The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

41 CHARLOTTESVILLE, -VA. MONDAY AFTERNOON, NOVEMBER 11, 1946 AGE NINE eral. housewerk. Live Here refer Boi Progress, WANTED AUTOMOBILES Hicha price. Tancey Motor Ca, W.

Vain It. Phone OFFICE And floor space at least feat feet to, chibit trice! merchandise month to month er. lease Phone 017. BADLY NEED 2, 3 or 4 room apt. or Close to.

Adarly couple: No pets or chitdrea. References enchanged. Mrs. W. Wood, T15 Albemarie 8t.

UNIVERSITY Hospital doctor and wife desire root with kitchen 1770-R. GRADUATE Student, wife and one month old baby urgently need apt. or small bouse. Can C. R.

Smith or write Bor 1155 University Station. 11-4-7t TO Knew name and. address service man who bad been or of Russians for 3 years ta or around Charlottesville, came back about 4 or 8 weeks ago. My son: I have son missing, Please write or call Ta-W-11, Mrs. W.

D. Lowry, Talcott, W. Va. IF You are going away would like to rest your house or apt. for several months to quiet middle are couple, please call 1597-J.

STUDENT, Wife, and child need a place to live from Jan. 15 to Feb. Box R-1, Progress LOST DARK: Classes, tials W. H. B.

Inside dap. Senti mental value. Phone 1734-J, PEARLS In brown, envelope Main Street, vicinity of Keller George, Saturday. Reward Call LADY'S Red billfold. Money, social security No.

Va. driver's pictures. Keep money. Notify Post Office Box 125. PLAIN Gold wedding October Mra.

John Nicholas, Phone 1250. REWARD. For. return of money lost Friday ta Leggett's or Woolporth's Store. Phone 2306.

BLACK Pocketbook, containing money, classes, ration books. Caul 128 or MAN'S Yellow wedding ring Call 3060-R. Reward! FOUND MALE Police dos. Edgewood Phone 200-R. INSTRUCTION: School of Commerce complete stenographie secretarial noceanting and business machine training.

Approved tor' veteran training. New day and aight school Mon. Oct. Tth, Phone INTERNATIONAL. dence Schools, Write R.

1. Stokes, Rep, 118 Lawls St Staunton, Va MISCELLANEOUS B. W. printing las. Prompt service, moderate rates.

Service department Jester Commerce Phone Do you bare clam you be We and Wrecking Market Phone PIANO Tuning, Testimonials world famous pianista. Carie Driscoll, Phase. 3306. 0-37-40. LEGALS VIRGINIA: IN THE TION COUET FOR THE OF CHARLOTTESVILLE BE: ESTATE OF CORA BEID, DECEASED.

a- 8. Upon request of Juntas R. Flabburne, Administrator of the Litate of Core Reid, deceased, hereby designate Monday, November 25, 1946, as the time, and my office, Court Square Building, In mid City, as the place, for receiving proof of debts 1 and demands against said Estate, Given under my hand thi day of November, W. Glimer, of Accounts 1144 'AUCTIONS LEGALS COMMISSIONERS SALE or CITY REAL: ESTATE la pursuance of decree of the Corporation Court of the City Charlottesville, Virgiala, entered the Hth day of October, la the pending chancery cause of Alexander V. Branham and others v.

WID. Branham and others, the undersigned Special Commissiobers will offer for sale at public auction, an the premises in the City Charlottesville, Virginia, on MONDAY, NOVEMBER between 11:00 and 1 the following described Properties: (1) Lot 13 la Block fronting 4 feet on the north alde of Balling Avenue, belay lot conveyed to nades by P. Purria 41 Obituaries HARRY CONNOCK Harry Richmond Connock, of Langford Arenue, died at a local bospita! Saturday afternoon, lowing a brief illness. THe was a native of Flavanne County, son of Richmond Heary and' Sarah Jane Cheat Connock, and was 45 years of age Besides hts: wife, Mra. Mather Con nock, he la survived by four daughters, Mrs.

Hasel Wight, Mra. Bryant, Mrs. H. Guan, and Mra. V.

Walker, all of Richmond, There are five grandchildren. Mr. Connock also leaves the lowing staters and brothers: Mra. G. D.

Sandridge, of Richmond; Mrs. R. E. Minter, E. B.

Connock, Connock and L. W. Connock, all of this city; R. Connock, of folk; of Daaville: and Alfred Connock, af Wayne, The funeral will bald at o'clock this afternoon from the M. C.

HW Funeral Home, the service to conducted Dr. Allen W. Graves, pastor of the First Baptist Church. Interment will tallow the cemetery at Beaverdam Church. is F.

WADE William Cabell, Flournoy Wade, of Schuyler, an employee the Alberene Stone Corporation, died at 10 o'clock last night the University Hospital, following brief He was native of Buckingham Couaty, son of the late Mr. Mra. Jesse Wade, and was 04 years of age. He married Miss Margie Peters, who died la Surviving Clarence A. Wade, Washlagton, D.

two sisters, Miss Joule Wade, of Schuyler, and Mrs. Bessie Hackett, of Winging, Nelson County: and two brothers, Fred and Lanchorne Wade, Lynchburg. The funeral will be held o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the realdence, and Interment will follow at 8:80 o'clock in Fort Hui Cemetery, Lynchburg. DEATH OF INFANT Tamara LaRue: daughter of Arlie and Catherine Stokes Bagley, of 123 Cynthiana Avenue, died at 1:30 last aight at local. hospital.

Burial rites wit be held o'clock this afternoon la Riverview Cemetery, conducted by Leroy W. Snow, of the Church of Latter Day Salats. INFANT DICE Shirley Moon, Infant daughter Herbert and Jalla Sprouse Moon, 413 Ridge Street, died 9:45 o'clock yesterday morning local hospital. The burial will take place at o'clock tomorrow afternoon from Moreland Baptist Church, at Ref HIlL, the service to be conducted by the Ran, La C. Vaughan HERBERT G.

BRADERAN Herbert Gleason Bradshaw, merchant at Taber, Nelson Counts vantara "The change in the majority the Congress does not alter our domestio or foreign interests of problems. In foreign affairs we here a well-charted course to follow, Our foreign policy his been developed and executed on a baste. I bare done my bast to strengthen and extend. this practice, of both parties in out of the Congress have participated in the Inner in pre paring, and in actually carrying out, the foreign policies our government. It has been a national and not party programs It will continue to be a national program insofar as the Secretary of State and I are concerned.

1 firmly beHere that our Republican colleagues who have worked intelligently and cooperatively with in the task will do so la the future. POOR APPETITE NERVOUS? Docs nervousness, tite and fatigue, caused by the lack of Vitamin Complex vitamins in your diet rob you of your pep and energy that you need In your dally work? If so supplement your diet with GIN VITAMIN COMPLEX. Bottle of 100 at STANDARD DRUG 00. caly IF YOU BRING THIS ADVERTISE MENT. VITAMINS For Good Health 50 A.

B. D. G. Vitamins. 100 A Cod Liver Oil Tablets 100 Vitamin Tablets 33 mg.

100 Iron and. Yeast Tabs. Millers Cut Rate Drug Store Opposite Lafayette Theatre died yesterday a afternoon Illness. at his home, following brief He was a native of Nelson son of the late Judson and Mary Wright Bradshaw, and was 50 years of age. He married Miss Lola Goolaby, who survives, 'torather with one daughter, Miss Martha Anne Bradshaw.

Mr. Bradshaw also leaves three show, of Taber, and Gilbert Brad. brothers, Irvin and Somers Brad. chaw, of Hayesville, N. C.

and four alsters, Mrs. Thelma Suddarth, of Elisabeth, N. Mra. Mary Lou deal, of Richmond; Mrs. Annie Parrish, of Orange; and Mr.

Verdie Mallory, of this eity. The funeral will be held o'clock tomorrow afternoon from Rock Spring Methodist Church, Faber, the service to be conducted by the Rev. C. L. Powell, former pastor, and present pastor, the L' Vaughan.

Interment will follow la the churchyard, 2- CASH NEW TEST loans for of appliances for the And without bothersome You, the your PERSONAL LOAN SERVIC INC. No Uniforms, No Game PHILADELPHIA, Nov. The weather was fine, bath were on hand and ready for but the Tech ball came Saturday had to be all off. The bus carrying the Dickinson rid uniforms from Carlisle through Philadelphia without loading. No calforma 0mohundro Electric Co.


CASSELL CO, INC. 3 Investments 112 Second St. N. 1 Better Your Home 1 Better Your Living 4 Gilmore, Hamm Snyder For Complete. Auto Service On every make of auto 7.

mobile bring your car Wilhoit Davis Motors Dodge Plymouth Dealer Phone 2800. 5th Market Streets Now In Stock! Rockwool 815: Firebrick 9x13 Fluelining 6x6 Red Quarry Tile 84x82, Fluelining Steel Basem*nt Window Sash Coal Chutes Barnes Lumber Corp. Phones 448-451-475 1 Classified Advertising 3 CASE OLDER TO AVOID BOOKKEEPING, FOR SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS REGULATION Army Litters (used) Security program A Store, 101 L. Main 8t Phone NO. 1 Squirrel and ground dos: Guaranteed, $15.00.

Law WingLife. deld, R-1, North Garden. and Pension Plans obit ORIENTAL blue. Rug, Circa 1930. $800.00.

Rome red and feet, Write Mrs. Buckler, Box LEST KENNON, Insurance Ca 1504.. University Station, Char One 11-1-18 NORGE Electric troner, baby bed, armed bed rest. Phone 1809-R Players STREET Minor Hall and FIFTY Berkshire title of: Poland Mechums China Thursday pigs One north November, 14, 150 14, plus and 14, tax, River. Route 680.

J. W. Woodson. 1. M.

FULLER Clothes brushes, dusters, at Ladersos Bros, mope, brooms, wax, polishes, bare sold for metics. Phone 1725-L Caskle, 11-4-7t That longer will de Caning Dye Works, 1940 Studebaker, good tires, beater, within Calling Price. See between the basaar at and P. M. Friday only.

W. Church Friday, November Smiths, Locuit Avenue. Extended food; dolls, No phone calla. 180 SQUARE Feet hot water. radiHorpital Crete atora.

F. Sampson, Eastham, Wearing apparel, house 11-7, Fater Nor. 13th, BED And mattress Phone Shackelford, Albemarie Hotel, BUSINESS SERVICE TS-ACRE al room house, outbalidings, ten miles south. School bus, $3500.00. -James E.

Ir vine. ANOTHER Lot of turmiture. las room, bedroom living room suites, sofa beda, extra tockers, chairs, coffee, end, lamp tables, Ratrigeration record cabinets, door table lamps; whatnots, place mantels, andirons, bird cages, BODY Looks your kneebole desks, cedar chesta, Lat no BEAUTY. Charlottes drawers, vacuum cleaners tans, restore their FOR- wardrobes, china closets, chests DE Phone 764. abow pianos, costumers, Ta Rug vanities, breakfast kitchen utility cabinets, cabinet noR Transter Storage, 411 bases, Ice boxes, 'metal chairs, Phone 80.

Moving, beating stoves, Arepiace screens, Laing, Crating Storing. step ladders, baby beds, high chairs, strollers, baby carriages, book shelves, radios, trona, PiedBack building most Transter Storage. Emmett Wright, '1519 Fast High 8-4 stucco, tile roof, price $3500. FLARING And to Locust Are brick Also wood-turalag of home in cellent condition, Call 1000 J. E.

Calabota location, large jot. STING work. Aad T. papering. Mawyer, North ertles 14 to 17 miles out.

Two time Some rood values In farm propVa. bar tractor of about 800,000 bd. each. LATHERSTRIPPING Make Attend the sale at C. M.

Fray's home more comfortable, keep Wed. 18th, I will oder the farm: traits, save fuel. Expert Mr. Maupta, 113 8t, N. caries, work guaranteed Applied Phone 44 days.

Co. For free estimate L. ritch, Jr. 'or call. FORD Truck, long wheel base, 1 11-11, 12, 14.

one-balf. Phone 2164-J. 4 FOR RENT G. L. Electric oven, practically Collapsible gate for child's play Rooms bath, Alexandria, arse.

Call 1030-R. from down town Available Immediate GENUINE Maple child's roll chants for bouse or apart- desk chair $15.00. Eureka Charlottesville, vacuum cleaner 053. or 703. $25.00.

Call 1215-J after P.M. ALL Hotel, Five ONE Heatrola also one bathroom da Partially Scottsville, turalabed. Goa Phone T. gas beater. 720 Blenheim Ave.

14. TWO Fat bogs about 190 Iba. R. Branham, Advance Mills, Va FOR SALE TWO table victrola, MEDIATE Delivery ca Culiding kitchen chairs, need reseating. Coctraa-Godwia Co, Ine Phone 2506-R.

SIX Male Setters. Dame, Made auto tops far dale, McPherson. Bire, Waite eat. Truck mats rebuilt atone. 14.

weeks old. A. a. Laster, Armstrong's Auto Berr Yancey Mills, Va around corner at. 421 1939 LASALLE OS Coupe, original paint, beater, radio, clean.

Tires, DO POSSESSION" sheet good, will trade give rod quick planting lower priced lesser condition shrubs trees bought and cash difference. Phone Remember- that on people sec the outside of your TURKEYS, Alive dressed than the taside. Write J. R. Wingfald, Route No.

ate. Phone 1600. CIty. 11-11-76 11-4t OLDEMOBILE, $296.00, 1971 Coupe, PO 306 200 Douglas heater. Good condition.

Tel. For further detalls Mrs. Call- after except Tunday, Brooks, 1110 Douglas Ave. MAN'S Tuxedo. -Size 36.

Wars DAY Possession, bed three Evenings). times' $20.00. Call 1640-R Center hall plan, beautiful ONE Black male co*cker Spaniel A lovely home in puppy. Phone Rural 6020-Y. for $18,500.00.

Can. Birion, Real Estate. Women's COAT SALE toppers, TUESDAY Puppies, well Women's: Chesterfield coats stock. Must sell. Women's hats, OF or for sale, in vestment Women's salta, $15.401 centrally located.

Tlaidins prop- Walters, 206 W. Main. 1 natal return. H. Easter, IMMEDIATE DELIVERY; Burris Agency, Phone Tank type vacuum cleaners 11-7-t Alarm clocks, electric and IT Former home chanical at Batesville, Automatic electric trona 5 4 two rugs, 12x15, beaten wash- Automatio phonograph radio wardrobes, machine, tables, bis- combinations room into pillows, mahogany bolsters, Automatic Automatio electric bot water water heaters heaters 4.

a Xra. utensils, two L. Page, open Rural Six and eight ft. frozen food 0016-F. inets MOVIE TABLE Xmas tree lights MAMOUNT-Big Sleep 12:43 Electric or mechanical trains, :15.

And other scarce Items. Beauty at 1:35 The little stone with the For Mar 110 KNAUFS SOUTH FIRST ELECTRIC, ST. Goes My 1831 A MODEL Ford sedan. Love tires. 311 3.

Hich Street after: THE DAILY PROGRESS, SAL CLEARANCE BALE To make room for Caristmas merchandise. Group of costs at former $55.00. to Dresses, both street to $39.85. Hales G. Lastham Shop.

1935 DODGE Coupe. Geed condition, $365.00. 113. 15th W. after 5:00 P.

BABY Play pen, 1 Nue wool rug. 414 Aron LAUNDRY Store. Good condition. 11th St. N.

W. Lucy Morton, 1933 Ford convertible sedan will sold for bast offer before Friday noon: May be sees at ent Caball Are before 8 A. M. or after P.M. 1940 BUICK Convertible.

George W. Thompson, 8 Limo Hall, Madison Lane, City. ONE Corner lot Belmont, 101 National Bank Phone 124 day, alght. FIVE Room modern stucco house, garage 'on lot 00x70 Belmont tion. Possession 00 days.

301 Jonal Bank Bids: 134 day, 256J aight. 1937 PLYMOUTH 2845-J. TWO 2-year-old colts. Unbroken Gentle. Call 131.

ONE Screw cutting lath 10-inch swing, center, Phone 137. FAT Guernsey oow, also 15 barrels yellow corn, Four miles north on Route 1. DIMEDIATE POSSESSI acres, 7 room frame bours other improvements. Located miles northwest of Charlottesville, 1 miles from Farmington Country Club between Garth Road. and White Hall; 150 acres la good saw timber.

This property: can bought as whole for $21,000, or to include all improvements 40 acres of land. Harry Wheeler of Lindsay Blanton with B. Wheeler Company, 'Phone 224. MAJESTIC Range 1477. HELP WANTED WHITE Girts for Laundry.

SEWING Machine Also assembly workers. Kaothe, Bros, 10th 8. 10-19-4t. Fall part time. McCrory'a ABLE BODIED Colored truck driver belper.

Wood, Vast, WAITRESS CASHIERS Short order cook, white. Kitchen helper (colored), The Griddle Cafeteria .12 E. Main St RELIABLE Girl four days a 10:00 M. to 1:00. phone 1701-W.

EXPERIENCED White of colored couple for cooking and general home work. Good separate house on Charlottesville Guarantee satisfactory wages for satisfactory service. Box Progress. DOMESTIC Help wanted to do reneral housework and to live on the place la pleasant, comfortable quarters. Phone 1792-W.

Mrs. J. H. Brant, 11-4-7L LADY As telephone operator, be trained. Apply Monticello Hotel SILK Fintabera, Apply Fowler Va let Cleaners.

TWO Girls for fountain work, good wages. Apply Dixie News Stand. GIRL For soda fountala. Timberlake's Drug Store. WANTED Part time maid for tamIly of two.

Call 1758-La A HAND Laundress to de obirta etc. For family two, Will pick up. Call 11-11-7t COLORED Maid for dress chop. Brown's Gift Shop. 11-11-41.

GIRL High school graduate with knowledge of typing and. bookkeeping. Albemarie Weaving Ca RELIABLE Fireman, 415 and E. Phone 1944-R after P. M.

WOMAN Or couple work on try place. Phone TWO Colored 'girls for bakery work. References required. Gleeson's Bakery, 106 Fourth N. MAID Part time or 'full time.

Pre fer experienced woman who wants permanent position. Reference quired. Phone 1025-J. WAITRESSES, Bettied ladies pre ferred. Apply Union News Co, Bus Center.

11-11-4. POSITION WANTED NURSE, years training, wants work (doctor's Write Bok N-1, Progress, STUDENTS Wife, college gradnate, tyro years clerical and per sonnel experience, typing, desires personnel, clerical, receptionist Job. Call 1704-Li EXPERIENCED Cook and Maid Write Nail, Box 82, Charlottes vile, Va AUCTIONS LEGALS. de after and wife, by deed dated May 1, 1916 and af la the Clerk's Otice of the Circuit Court of Albemarle County, Virgiala, la D. B.

155, This lot has subsequently been sanered by the City of Charlottes rille, Virginia; Lot in Block 16 fronting feet on the south of Fuller Avenue, conveyed to Alexander Branham by C. H. Walker and wife by deed dated September 11, 1916, and of record la the Clerk's Omice of the Corporation Court of the aty of Charlottesville, Virgiala, to D. B. 20.

p. 193; (3) Lot 14 tn Block 16 fronting feet on the north side of Boiling Avenue, conveyed to' Alexander La Branham by 8. P. Purvis and wife, by deed dated October 25, 1017 and of record in said Clerk's Once In D. B.

31. p. 68; (0) Lot 13 la Block 16 fronting 43 feet da the north alde of Bollins Avenue, conveyed to Alexander Branham by the People's National of C. H. Walker, by dated Bank and L.

Carroll, Executors, April 10, 1018 and of record la the Clerk's Once aforesaid la D. B. 31, (5) Lot 10 la Block 16 fronting 48 fest on the north aide of Bollins Avenue and conveyed to Alexander Branham by Asia Azar, widowet, by deed dated May 20 1923, and of record in the Clerk's Oma aforesaid in D. B. 44, p.

dwelling bouse 'la situated on each of the Brat four lots. The dwelling house on Lot 12 described la paragraph unoccupied, and the dwelling bouses or Lots 14 and 18, respectively, scribed in paragraph 4, 3 and 4, are rented on month- basis, and the sales of. the said three properties to be made subject to the said TERMS OF SALE: CASH. Edward O. McCue, Jr.

and John M. Hamiet, Jr, Special Commitstoners. 1. J. Auctioneces.) I hereby certify that the Special Commissioners herein mentioned bare given he required bond.

C. L. Moran, Clerk, 10-11-1 Pubile Auction, Wednesday Nor. 18 of horses, mules, hogs. chickens, corn, fodder, hay, farm machinery, household articles.

C. Milton Fray, Tree Union, Va. SERGEANTS SALE By virtue of several Executions In my hands in the matter of R. Apperson, J. Hartman, H.

B. Whitten and Truman Gibson Herbert Green and Herbert Green tr-as etc. I shall proceed to sell publio auction Friday, November 15, 1944 at. 13:00 noon on premises at Garrett: Street Lunch, Charlottasville, Virginia the following personal property, la order to nation ty the above named Executions, To- Wit: 5 bicycles, bicycle wheels, 1 3 pin ball machines, 3 motor bikes, 1 cigarette vending machine, 1. Toledo platform scales, 1 Nebl drink box, 1 lee box, .1.

Natiopal cash register, electric clock, cash register, counters, 1 Toledo scales, 1 drink box, meat case, 1 safe, 1 desk, tables, family-alse GL refrigerator, 1 gas stove, 1 slak, Terma: Cash. E. J. Martin, Sergeant City of Charlottesville, Va: 11-12, 14. VIRGINIA: IN THE CORPORATION COURT FOR THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE REt ESTATE OF LULA FLEMING, DECEASED.

Upon request of Executor of the Estate of Lula Flaming, I hereby designate Monday, November 25, 1944, as the time, and my office, Court Square Bullding la said City, as the place, for receiving proof of debts and demands against the said Estate, Given wader my hand this day of November, 1940. W. Glimer, Dunn, Commissioner of Accounts. ..2. 11-4 Truman have one time or another equally willing to offer our in the defense of our country.

I shall therefore, la the ballet that the members of the Congress will discharge their duties with a full realization of their responsibility. "Inevitably, Issues will arise between the President and the When this occurs, we must examine car respective positions with stern and critical analysis to exclude say, attempt to tamper with the public Interest in order. to achieve personal or partiana ad- all 4 9 vile,.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.